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Love-ly Sign!

Can Love happen twice? (No it can happen many times…But with different people)
I too had a love story
  ( So did I!)
A little bit of love
( If its little why bother to write?)
Love happens like that …As long as you are my angel
(When the transition happens from your angel to some one else’s?? What happens then??)
A lot like love a lit’l like chocolate
(Like chocolate? Really? Because it can never be like wine..Can it? As love doesn’t taste better as it turns older)
That thing called love! (No comments!)


What’s with all the IIT’ians??
Were all this Lovey Dovey novels an inspiration from Chetan Bhagat?? Every one seems to adapt to the same pattern of write ups.
All these above mentioned books are a sensational hit with the youth! Why? As all the characters in the book relates to their girlfriends! Even if it doesn’t relate, they would picture it to relate and there it is …The best selling novel! And that’s how it clicks.


People who have read
Review 1:Macha what book macha this is!!!…Awesome macha! The part where the guy cries… really depressing macha
Review 2:No man…Not that part…Did you read that part..where the guy buys all that gifts for her and waits and she doesn’t accept? Tears swelled up after reading that!
Remaining reviews
: Touched ! Hurted! Pained….all the superlatives were used to the extreme!
People who are on the verge of reading:
Noooo don’t discuss that book..I have to still read them…but… what happens to that guy after he broke up? I heard someone talking that something will happen to her…is that true?
People who have the crave for reading books and don’t have a clue what their friends were discussing and can’t take the fact that they haven’t read it. ( I belonged  to this category)

Me:Which book are you talking about? Why are you’ll exaggerating so much. I want that book!
Ah!you have to wait for that. You’re in a Queue. First he asked for it, then him and then her and then him and then its your turn! And the stock’s not available right now, as it’s the best selling, seasoned edition!
What the hell! Nooo Way! I wanna read it, like now!

Verbal accusations and fights happened, Corruption, Barter system implemented. Finally I won the book; Promising to return it in one night.
Yeah I had to spend the whole night without sleep to finish that book.

My reviews: This blog! Really! And the book I was fighting for was “I too had a love story”.
After reading this book it caused repulsion against all the other Love story novels the IIT’ians have written ! I thought Chetan Bhagath’s 3 Mistakes of life was the big worse turn down I’d ever read. After that it’s this.
When I gave my friends my reviews about the book;
Them: How could you say that?
          Don’t you have any feelings?
          You’re a stone!
          Din’t you feel a thing?
          You don’t know what love is! Do you?
Well yeah, the guys became too emotional about the book. That’s why they say girls are more mature than them. All the girls at least agreed with me!
Here’s the story…Ranveer singh has taken approximately 250 pages to describe his love story. I’ll summarise the book in  5 lines. Here it goes;
Guy meets girl at
Girl guy falls in love
Girl meets with an accident on the day of engagement and Death
Guy full depressed. What happens to the guy??
Read the next book- Can love happen twice?

Book – a classic hit
All these books tend to revolve around the same plot. If it involves heartbreaks, it’s a hit! If the hero or the heroine dies…It becomes the best selling book. Yeah that’s the trick!

Finally I decided, in future if I intended to write a novel, for which I intend to become rich, the subject is gonna be about LOVE!

I’ll tell you the story line right here;
Boy meets girl;
Girl meets boy;
One more Boy meets the same girl.
It’s a triangle.
Girl’s parents- anti heroes
First boy’s parents and Girl’s parent’s -family friends
Second boy – Heart break
Now who’ll get the girl??
  Twists:  Is there a third lover boy?
                Does the second boy commit suicide?
                Is there gonna be a happy ending?

Yeah all these I’ll let you know once I start with the book!
Look forward for love, heartbreaks, Fights, jealousy, tears, unexpected twists and turns!
Yeah I just started with the marketing! Hope my Love story hits the shelves too!


  1. Ha ha.. Correctly Said...
    Same is the case of most of the regional language movies.. all revolve around love. Same saga with colorful wrappers... :)
    Your intended story line seems to be 'inspired' from some movie :)

  2. Good One :D
    I fail to understand how people can go through the same boring stuff book after book!! AND... They always end up saying.. "Hey Book Y is so different from Book X aint it? Such a "touching" story.."
    Yea Right!!!
    Get ur title on shelves ASAP. If its anything to do with LOVE,its sure going to be a hit overnight :D

  3. @ Mr Ugly: Yeah ur right! I forgot to mention about the colorful wrappers:P

  4. @'March'ing up!: haha yeah! I sure will get it on the shelves! But expect the ending..someone's gonna be killed or murdered! Gee:D.... I gotta make money! LOL!

  5. Resh if you want to make your story routine yet refreshing at the same time, include these twists. Lets go the hollywood way
    Twists: Does the girl likes another girl?
    Does the girl like both boys and girls?
    Is there gonna be a happy ending?

    p.s you can love 2 ppl at the same time as long as they are not the same sex :P
    i am posting this as anonymous hahaha :)

  6. Ahaaan...I sooo wish I knew who this anonymous was! You would have been a special character in my book! And the hollywood shtyle, well that was something I nevver thout of! Now that would definitely be an addition!And who ever u are Mister Anonymous, I really appreciate this idea. And I would wish All the best for ur future mate!And more ideas and comments like this are definitely appreciated. It keeps me going!:P


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