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            I could have rather named the post as ‘The Memorandum’, my first ever play watched at a theatre which is completely meant for plays.
 But the name ‘Ptydepe’ sounded fancier, and hence chosen. Pronounced as Pa-tie-de-pay, when given the pamphlet I read it as ‘tie-deep-a’, assuming P as silent.
From past one year, my attempt to go and watch a play at Rangashankara was completely futile after rigorous attempts.
First time- It was a list of Hindi plays!
Second time- Tickets sold out
The third time-It was Mysooru Mallige…The name was like a repellent used for mosquitoes, here replacing the mosquitoes, were my friends.
It’s difficult to find a theatre enthuse, when u have a bunch of only engineering graduates in your G-gang. I would anytime go for a diverse range (no offence to the present ones). Planning with these people for a play, was like asking yeddyurappa to quit as CM.
After this I always pictured myself going and watching a play all by myself, which no normal person does, I think. It’s called ‘Lame’ according to the G-gang. Well, I could call it lame too, sitting there all by myself!?? NO Way!
Gradually, it was forgotten, until Mr S invited me to watch a play!! Yes, it happened. According to him, only people of certain IQ levels would wanna watch a play. What he meant was people with high IQ levels! No offence to the G-gang again. (It was Mr S who was talkingJ )I just nodded my head with compliance.
‘The memorandum’  considered to be one of the well known plays written by Vaclav Havel, a play based on introduction of an artificial language at office for communication and how everything is messed up.
Ptydepe, I like the way it sounds, as weird as  it is to say it, same weirdness applies to the imaginary spoken form. Impressive it sounded , wanted to learn it initially.. until I came across this in google,

Ra ko hutu d dekotu ely trebomu emusohe, vdegar yd, stro reny er gryk kendy, alyv zvyde dezu, kvyndal fer teknu sely. Degto yl tre entvester kyleg gh: orka epyl y bodur depty-depe emete. Grojto af xedob yd, kyzem ner osonfterte ylem kho dent de det detrym gynfer bro enomuz fechtal agni laj kys defyj rokuroch bazuk suhelen...

Yes , PAtieDeep-pay this was……

Don’t ask me to convert it because the play was completely based on the complexity involved in trying to do that, which results in a mess.I don’t wanna be held in that web.
My long urge to watch a play at Rangashankara was finally taking its course, All the enthusiasm and the crave to watch a play was slowly  dying down just like the sand which keeps getting emptied from the sand timer as the time passes. Half past 8, my stomach kept rumbling (Only then did I realise plays can be boring too…). I always assumed plays can never get boring until I came across this. (May be a little over exaggeration), But I definitely did have a good time.

P.S:  Looking forward – Monty PythonJ


  1. " Mysooru Mallige…The name was like a repellent used for mosquitoes"
    - What made you think like this? :) With which repellent's name does it Rhyme?

  2. Mysooru Mallige, that definitely din't repel me... That's why i mentioned replacing the mosquitoes were my so called FRIENDS!:P

  3. No offence to Mysooru Mallige:)

  4. This was what was offered to me, for a slumber party!! :)


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