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American Tangled

After a hiatus, here I am, back ! I decided I won't be writing until I touch the border of the United States Of America! It's a race my friend said. And it was! One year down, the process..Naah, I won't be talkin bout it! It's a long process like chemical reactions and pathways involving a fatty acid which has a never ending chain length.

I have a lot to catch up on, after the long break . Two weeks down, a lot happening. Well right now I have a bunch of guys hanging around, screaming at top of their voices like competing who can scream the loudest and jumping and dancing and  totally lost. Yeah a bunch of totally high hit dramatic boys. Hah, I've been recording the few of their acts, including their gay acts. It's funny though to watch them. Recorded and saved! :)

United states of America ! My daughter studies in America , my parents are saying it aloud. But what exactly do I do? Hah. I love this picture which i stole it form someone's wall...----------------->

Naah, I don't make pizzas. It was a tough call though. As soon as I entered I saw all Indians running around, filling up employment forms and running around asking for on-campus jobs. When I say on-campus, it starts with
1)Coffe shops
2)College Cafetaria
3)Backroom support
 and blah blah blah

And you have to run around and reach out to people, and for these kind of jobs also they say we need a reference. Yeah! That's how life is back here!

I worked at an IT industry back at home. How luxurious life was then.Here its running around all the time. Cooking,laundry, cleaning, attending classes and then your job!!

During the welcome week, when we had orientations, there were lots of free stuff available on campus, like the free t shirts and free food. If it was the same thing back home, if at all there were any free giveaways, we would be like blah..who wants them...but here, its like once we get to know there are so many free stuff available, like the t-shirts some key chains we literally run in search of them...hah..all our high standards maintained back home comes down to the below carpet level. This is the Standard life we lead while studying at USA. Hopefully my mom's not reading this!

Aaaah! That's why Indians here, celebrate Independence day and I actually attended the flag hoist ceremony!!Pfff! .Back home I used to never wake up  on August 15th. I used to see it as just another holiday, and how excited I was. Excitement for all the other reasons except that we got our independence this day. And hence you can see a lot more patriots here than back home, and you can find a lot more celebrations of all the festivals here with traditional and colourful dresses all over your community ! Yeah, everyone will be struck by a lightning of patriotism. In a way a good sign!

USA USA USA...aah USA. 'The Inscrutable Americans' written by Anurag Mathur is a good read once you enter this country! Yeah that makes soo much sense now than when I read it!



  1. i know I know!! its Guess babes!! Haa! Hi there guess babes!

  2. Hi,
    Good to see you back, and Great to know that you are in US! Dont worry too much like you have mentioned here.. enjoy your stay and studies :)
    Mr. Ugly

  3. Ya i remember when you used to wake up so late , evryday two varieties of brkf prepared for u !!

    Nw I can c hw much ur missing those :)

    Cool poster !! lol!!

    1. yeah u were always jealous of that two varieties! werent u!

  4. AHHHHHHHHHHH... After going to U.S u have lost your sense of humor


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