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Showing posts from February, 2012

Flip Flab Floop!

Like Katherine Heigl in the movie 27 dresses , she was trying out every single attire and was asking me for my opinion ‘How do I look’ with this , This and This!  Annnndd This!! I was neither tired nor bored giving my opinion! Any one wouldn’t! With a neat athletic and toned figure like her’s! My! I myself stood there envying her. So I wouldn’t complain about the guys drooling over her. It’s the dimples , NO her height…or may be it’s her figure.  Ok I’ll stop; I’m neither homo nor a hetro!             How many times have women sat in office browsing over Google pages for ‘How to get the perfect figure?’   Ok as embarrassed as I am to admit , at least I have. And I have at least 5 friends of mine in office who also crib about sitting in front of the system through out the day and feeling the flab’s and tyres bulging out and looking like sponge bob , replacing the square pants is a 1980’s bell bottoms trying...