Everyone goes through this in life , suddenly your life seems off course..In this desperate moment you have to choose which direction to head ..You have to choose your direction..Will you listen to what others tell or will you do what you feel is right ? Most of us when we are at that desperate moment tend to listen to what others tell..but fail to realise that its for us to decide .....Do u just wanna listen to someone else instead of listening to yourself? are you the kind of person who sticks to your path and pass through all the hurdles?But at the same time u will be wondering whether u will be honored for the path you've chosen..or blamed!! Most of us have come across the expression 'the best things in life are free',when you think about it you feel how true that expression actually is ...every now and then you just go doing things beyond what u think u were capable of and sometime you fall short of people...
Sometimes you have to pretend to be a person you're not,sometimes you should remember the way you were and sometimes think about the person you wanted to be.But what are you right now???Baffled!